Sunday 13 March 2016

REVIEW: Deadpool (15)

After many, many debates on whether this movie would be made, Deadpool finally hits our screens and hits it does. Ryan Reynolds has stepped up to the plate twice now in his attempt to break into the superhero genre as a superhero himself. As well as featuring for Marvel in Blade II as Blade’s sidekick, his first real outing was actually as Deadpool in the luke-warmly received X-Men Origins: Wolverine movie. Although it was generally in the lower rated echelons of superhero movie opinions, the Deadpool portrayed there had his mouth sewn shut and was a complete waste of a character much loved by many. As if to rub salt into the wounds, or maybe take a distance from Marvel, Reynolds defected to DC to star in similarly panned Green Lantern which may have had a decent run as a franchise if it wasn’t so badly made and relied on too much CGI. Although Ryan Reynolds is a likeable guy and a great actor – he plays smarmy, arrogant or wisecracking as you require it. So he would be the ideal choice for Deadpool. But, he’s already had two strikes – this one needs to be the home run. And do you know what? It is!
This new Deadpool movie is all what you would expect from a movie and more and is full of blood, guts, gore and one liners. Some of the insults are both creative and zany, and with the inclusion of X-Men’s Colossus, it adds a flair to the proceedings. Poking fun at everything it can and highlighting it via quips and jokes about poo, death, blood and just about everything else, Deadpool is a Marvel movie unlike any other but also as you would expect.
Once again, as expected, this introduction to the character is an origin movie and charts the wise-cracking Wade Wilson (Ryan Reynolds) in flash back format from two-bit mercenary for hire to the Merc With the Mouth. The film slams straight into the action as Deadpool takes on a multitude of enemies and proceeds to tell backstory while doing it. Once up to date, Deadpool carries on from where we left off in the most basic story of revenge, but the quips, special FX and soundtrack (which includes some Wham! and Salt 'n' Pepa to name but two).
Even though it is a very different Marvel movie (the closest to it would most likely be something like a Blade movie or The Punisher) and not yet a part of MCU, all the hallmarks of a Marvel movie are there – ties to other movies (in this instance the X-Men) and, of course, Mr Stan Lee features as a cameo. With added self referential items – which without giving anything away do include said X-Men mentioned above among other things, this movie is all a Deadpool fan would want. With a strong supporting cast and a funky soundtrack to boot, strap in and enjoy the ride as Deadpool is your host on this Marvel’s version of Taken. It’s a great start to 2016’s bumper crop of superhero movies to come but it’s set the bar high.
Of course, you have to stay to the end of the credits because it’s a Marvel movie isn’t it?
Deadpool is out now at all good cinemas and it’s dead(pool) good.


What am I talking about? Deadpool movie
Where can I find out more?
If you liked this try: Any of the other Marvel movies but especially Blade II, The Punisher and possibly the Daredevil (Netflix series), Ghost Rider and also the latest X-Men Movies but ...

Anything else?
Ryan Reynolds has been Deadpool before in X-men Origins: Wolverine and there is at least 3 sequences in the movie where he makes a reference or there is a reference to this.
Colossus, one of the X-Men, features in this movie.
This movie is not officially part of the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) because, like the X-Men and Fantastic Four franchises, the movie rights currently belong to Fox.

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