Tuesday 31 March 2015

REVIEW: Cinderella (2015) (U)

Right, before we start, this film is going to be a hit. It will be not because it has a talented cast and great special effects even though it does. Nor will it because it's a timeless tale told by one of the greatest story smiths, Disney. Even though that is very much the case.
No, it will be because of Frozen. Before we start the main shebang, we are treated to an animated 10 mins or so of Frozen called Frozen Fever. I've been toying with reviewing this separately but I'm just going to say a few words about it here. Basically the one song that is sang is catchy and gets you dancing in your seat. The story is simple but effective. All of the characters return (including the original voice talent) and Elsa has a cold, even though a "cold never bothered her anyway". If you love Frozen it's a great to be seeing something new and is very much in the same successful vein. Disney have really hit a groove with this one and its a really good short. Especially with the addition of some cute new characters. I won't say too much more but all the little princesses across the land will love this and you probably will too.


So when the short finishes everyone is so fired up that we are ready for more princessness as soon as possible. Cinderella is a well made and well acted but has a story that has been told countless times. Cinderella herself is endearing - both through her innocence and her looks - she is pretty and cute and looks the part. Kit, the Prince, is charming and endearing too and they make a great couple when on screen together.
The special effects, supporting cast and cinematography are top notch. 
The movie follows the original Disney Cinderella story quite closely, only this time it is live action (with lots of cgi animals though). It seems like this is becoming a trend for Disney as this was the case for Maleficent. Before the movie there was a trailer for Pan; which seems like a very Maleficent-like origin story for Peter Pan. It seems we have come to the point now where we no longer need to make fantastical stories as cartoons - we now have the power to make them live action - with the help of the modern day computer programs.
One of the most breathingtaking moments of the movie is when Cinderella gets her blue dress for the ball and it's a stunning outfit. She makes a fantastic princess and I personally think Lily James could pull off a fantastic Elsa if they made a Frozen live action movie. I sit and wonder if the blue dresses that feature are deliberately linked to look very Frozen-ish to promote both films (as Cinderella had a blue dress in the animated version). Cate Blanchett makes for a great stepmother who through her smile looks both glamorous and sinister in equal measure. Her step sisters are stupid and mean in equal measure but are actually quite attractive ladies so couldn't be construed as ugly sisters.
Overall this movie was really good. It's not very original as it's just a retelling of a fairy story we've heard a million times before but then again - if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Disney's doing good.
Cinderella is out from 27th March 2015 at all good cinemas.
What am I talking about? Walt Disney's live action offering Cinderella
Where can I find out more? http://movies.disney.com/cinderella/
If you like this try: Cinderella (Disney's animated classic) and the sequels, Ella Enchanted, Frozen

Thursday 26 March 2015

REVISITED: 3D Printing Magazine

I've been blogging regularly now for about 6-8 weeks now and one of my first things to give you info on was a brand new magazine from Eaglemoss Publishing called 3D Create and Print - a part-work collection where you literally build your own 3D Printer.  We are now more than 11 issues in, and I promised I would revisit it and see where we are at.

For those of you new to my blog and, to the magazine, here's a recap about what I said originally:
Divided into sections, the magazine is broken into chapters about 3D printing history, tutorials on 3D design, 3D modelling and tips and tricks. They advise you on a recommended 3D modelling software (which is free to download) and there are a number of designs each issue for things you can build in the printer. These designs range from fancy balls and chess pieces to my personal favourite in issue one - a catapult! Each issue features a unique code to download the featured design as files and these are available for free as is the recommended 3D software to use in conjunction with the printer. Each issue includes bits of the printer to construct and of course instructions on how to put it all together.  On their official blog, they have a video of a "How To" put together the pieces from the first 20 issues - check it out here.

So far, I have been building the printer and it's been really easy to do and it's coming together nicely. The last few issues have been a bit strange as we got a few bits that we had to wait a few issues for before we put them all together. As a subscriber, I got them all at the same time so it was great to do a chunk at once. I've already received some of the subscriber bits including a funky memory stick in the shape of a key and the binder which is great for keeping everything together. As specified, 90 issues are planned so I'm literally 1/9th of the way through.  If you want to get involved along with me - then you can subscribe and get more information here.

3D printers are rather expensive still - but this is modern tech for you. People have asked me why I have been collecting this magazine when I could just go out and buy one for a little cheaper. My argument would be I could, but they add extra value by doing extra. So I've been collecting the magazine for 11 issues now (another four due soon) and each issue you get design downloads. Some of these are "BUILDUPS" and some are completed designs already. Eleven issues in and I have 44 separate items that I can use with this printer. Each magazine comes with a tutorial for other projects using the free software you can download. They also promise a further 10 exclusive designs for subscribers too - so if art and design ain't your thing, you'll still get use out of printer when it's done. BUILDUPS include a toy car, chess set, puzzles and other stuff. Meanwhile one off projects include soap dishes and egg cups, iphone protectors and more. On the official website you can register to download these designs and they have them under different headings like jewellery, homewares, arty pieces and much more. I'm impressed with the breadth of the different items that can be made; and, if you get good, could even alter them in the design software.

So, like I originally thought, I am still impressed and look forward to the next issues. I'll drop back into it in another ten or so issues and show some photos too. When the project is completed, I will do a video to show you it in action, and a full review too. Well done Eaglemoss, keep it up.

Have you bought this magazine? What do you think? Let me know below!
Until next time
What I'm talking about:  3D Printer Magazine
Where do I go to find out more? http://www.3dprinter-collection.com/

Tuesday 24 March 2015

REVIEW: Divergent Series: Insurgent (12A) - 3D Version

Before I start, I need to tell you there may be spoilers ahead if you have not see Divergent (2014) or this movie.
Shailene Woodley, Miles Teller, Ansel Elgort, Theo James and Kate Winslet all reconvene for the follow up to 2014's YA blockbuster Divergent. Picking up merely 3 days after the last finished, Tris & Co continue on the quest for the truth about divergents and to userp Janine (Kate Winslet) and the regime she is creating. Ironically, Tris (Woodley) is the one girl who can take her down and her quest takes her and her band of acquaintances to come face to face with Janine once more.  Janine is on a quest to open a box of secrets that can only be opened by a divergent who can survive all five factions fear landscapes - and finds Tris is the only one who could do this. Will Tris give herself up? Will she successfully open the box or die in the process? And what exactly is Janine's plan?
The movie is much the same as the first - setting the scene and a few bits of action here and there. As a massive fan of the books, I am very much in love with the characters and in this movie they are represented well. I had my doubts - especially about Theo James as Four, but they won me over in the first movie and they have all returned for the sequel.  Miles Teller's Peter is much different to the book (and plays quite a main role in the books). He was barely registering in the first movie, but he plays a bigger part here with some great witticisms and does just enough to come across as a little bit sinister. Ansel Elgort's Caleb is just as I imagined him and Woodley does well as Tris.
Overall the movie is good, but as a fan of the books I was a bit disappointed. Some scenes are presented differently than what I imagined them to be. The scene at Candor where a character is executed had a line of "be brave, (insert characters name here)" before another character shoots them in the head in the book. It was quite a resounding scene for me in the book, and the phrase "be brave" was quite a common phrase and was also quite a powerful one. Be brave, Tris or be brave generally is used quite a lot in the book, and for it to be used to a character who's life was about to be taken would have been very powerful in the movie too. But to my shock, horror and amazement - they didn't say it. It's going to annoy me every time I see this movie now.
Another gripe is that some of this movie is based on assumption. There is a strong relationship between two characters in the book called Will and Christina who befriend Tris when she joins Dauntless the same time as them. In the Divergent movie it is alluded to only once where Will and Christina are sat on the bed together. Not only that but the characters are hardly spoken about (and this includes Peter) so we only really know Will when he is shot by Tris at the end of Divergent. Anyway, when it comes to Tris being given a truth serum in the Insurgent movie she blurts out that she killed Will. In a scene previous Christina asks about Will and Tris says she doesn't know and hasn't heard anything. In the scene after the truth serum, Christina stops Tris as if she's going to shout at her, then steps out of her way and says "just go" and Tris leaves. Later still, when Christina is under Janinie's hypnotism thingy and Tris saves her, they go back to being best friends. This is understandable if you read the book but in the stand alone movie world it is so unexplained that it's confusing. And there's more examples of this happening in the movie. I suppose most people who read the books would go ah, I know what's been happening. But unless you didn't really care about the story and watching it for James' abs or Shailene's cuteness, then the story has taken quite a few shortcuts to get where it needed to be. My brother argued that it would have made the film even longer, but I would argue one quick scene to explain - maybe a heart to heart with Tris and Christina would have sorted this out - what's an extra 2-3 minutes in a movie?

The special effects are fantastic in this movie (especially the 3D one I was) and there's good acting in the main. I think the movie is a generally good movie and is a strong sequel but it could have been better in places. I love Tris and Four as characters and James and Woodley do them justice. It's good to see Peter play a bigger part unlike the last movie where he got a few snide remarks in and was more of an annoyance than a threat. It also sets up nicely for the final movie which, I am told, is going to be in two parts *sigh*. Still, Insurgent is a good entry into the YA dystopian genre that is so popular in the world right now. Hunger Games need not worry too much but it's still a great series of films and I can't wait to see the last ... two of the four part trilogy.

The Divergent Series: Insurgent is out now in 3D, IMAX and 2D at all good cinemas.


What is it? Divergent sequel, Insurgent movie
Where do I find out more? http://divergentthemovie.com/
If you liked this try - Divergent, Hunger games movies, Maze Runner, Harry Potter, The Village

Anything else?
This is based on the second book in Veronica Roth's Divergent series, also called Insurgent.
Shailene Woodley has previously worked with Ansel Elgort on Fault In Our Stars and, of course, the original Divergent movie. She has also worked with Miles Teller before in a different movie as well as Divergent.
This is the only sequel that Kate Winslet has made.

EVENT: Sci Fi Weekender, Hafan Y Mor, Wales 19th-22nd March 2015 (Part Two)

The gang visited Hafan Y Mor in Wales for the Sci-Fi Weekender 2015 - initially they were disappointed by the lack of traders but this was explained by the fact that there was a major Showmaster's convention - the Cardiff Film and Comic Con going on at the same weekend. Darth Elvis & The Imperials were the novelty band that performed Elvis/Star Wars crossover songs and there was an unhealthy obsession with a movie known as Manborg in the cinema room. Prog Rock 3 was also going on at the site too for the first time. Paul bumped into Sylvester McCoy at reception and wasn't sure of the etiquette of sparking up a conversation with a celebrity. Meanwhile the gang met James Cosmo from game of Thrones (among others) and Julian Glover from... well just about everything. The watched the One man Star Wars performer Charlie Ross who was one of the highlights of the weekend. They knuckled down and watched Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014) and X-men: Days of Future Past in the cinema room and ordered pizza.
Here's part two.

The following takes place between 22nd and 23rd March...
Already a day down and only one to go, the next day was full of things to do - with the exception of the break in the middle of the shows to turn the interview room to something more nightclubby. First thing in the morning was a visit from Judge Dredd creators Carlos Ezquerra and John Wagner giving a talk and signing stuff. I was gutted I missed this one as often in the calendar there are two things on at once and is difficult to see both.
What I DIDN'T miss however, was the One Man Lord of the Rings. Yes, Charlie Ross returned to do what he did to Star Wars yesterday and it was just as good.  Once again he sang, special FX'd and "My Precious"'d his way through the trilogy with wit, gusto and energy that you couldn't help but love his display. He travels the world doing this and I heartily recommend him if you like those movies and want to see a master at work. Total, total genius.

Ms Sophie Aldred as
awesome as ever!
There were some interviews with Sophie Aldred and Sylvester McCoy today too - the Sylvester McCoy one being particularly fun - as he left the stage and wandered around the crowd taking questions and then seamlessly handed over to Sophie Aldred to take the stage as he went to do some signings. Sadly I missed the signing with Sylvester as we were watching the Cosplay Preliminaries and he had gone by the time it had finished. However we did bump into him a second time the following morning when we were leaving the site at the same time.

Sylvester McCoy is interviewed
by Robert Rankin
He was asked a lot of questions about Dr Who in particular and answered as honestly as he could - avoiding some like "Who was your favourite Doctor?" replying by saying they are all taller than him so he'd rather not choose a favourite! His mix of humour, warmth and honesty made great listening and I would hope he would return as he was an excellent choice for a guest. He had a lot to say on The Hobbit too, saying Ian McKellen was not a fan of the green screen acting required for the movie. Robert Rankin was a great interviewer asking lots of probing (and occasionally embarrassing) questions and was knowledgeable about his guest, but left him to talk so he could tell us all sorts of interesting things.
As we attended the Cosplay Preliminaries we saw an amazing array of cosplaying - from something people would have mashed up at home in five minutes to the most intricate and detailed outfits ever. As always, the Galactic Knights graced us with their professional cosplay and judged the proceedings.  There were literally hundreds of people dressed for the occasion including Batman, Poison Ivy, Superman and Ghostrider!
It's not everyday you meet Ghostrider outside of a Papa Johns!
By this time, the day was drawing to a close and after a busy day we headed to the cinema room to chill out watching Guardians of the Galaxy before bedtime and the long drive home. However, once dancing Baby Groot had done his funk to the strains of I Want You Back by the Jackson 5, the announcer announced Manborg would be squeezed in between Guardians and the midnight showing of Galaxy Quest. We had a long drive back so left it there to reflect on our busy day.
So that was that. The Sci Fi Weekender in the main was a very good event - the critics are out on sharing the date with the Prog Rock lot, but unlike some others we never really had a problem with them. We also didn't get chance to check out the sci-fi writers or the workshops which were on there too - which seemed to be fantastic if you are into sci-fi and fantasy writing. The traders room was a massive disappointment except for a dude in the corner called www.timstags.com which printed dog tags that are presonalised. I got an Iron Man one which I still haven't taken off, and it's amazing. My brother Mark, got a humourous Star Wars one too. The gaming section (made mainly of board game style role playing) was vast but we didn't have time to engage (Star Trek TNG pun there) with the Star Trek or Star Wars games supplied, among others.  

So in conclusion, what did I think? Well if it was a Marvel movie it would be Iron Man 3 - lots of great expectations since there have been a number of good ones before it, great actors and generally entertaining, but not quite as good as previous ones. Still, it was still worth the money and I will definitely be going again. After all, look what movie followed Iron Man 3...

If you are interested check out the website at www.scifiweekender.com and look out for regular offers and competitions. It's possible to win free tickets around October time and you would only pay for your accommodation over the three days.  This event is currently based at Hafan Y Mor Holiday Park, Pwllheli in Wales which is a self catering Haven holiday site. As a result of this you'd be staying in either a static caravan or chalet depending on your choice. VIP ticket's include signing passes and unlike bigger comic cons the signings tend to be a little more intimate and you can get to spend a bit more time with the stars. looking forward to it's seventh cycle next year, which is going to be at the same venue on 17th-20th March 2016.

Ooga-chakka - Ooga Chakka! Guardians of the Galaxy cosplay



Monday 23 March 2015

EVENT: Sci Fi Weekender, Hafan Y Mor, Wales 19th-22nd March 2015 (Part One)

The following takes place between 19th-20th March...

After the one day Comic Con over in Middlesbrough in February, I was warmed up ready for the humdinger of a weekend that has become part of every Spring for me over the last few years.
I have been visiting the Sci-Fi Weekender since the SFX Weekender 3 a few years ago. It was the last time the SFX team ran it - and it was in a small, cramped building and hastily organised. They handed it over to Chic Festivals who rock out with the Hard Rock Hell events and the Prog Rock events, so it was in good hands. We have been visiting ever since. Now in it's 6th cycle, Sci-Fi Weekender 6 was promising guests including Seventh Doctor Sylvester McCoy, my childhood crush Dr. Who companion Ace (aka Sophie Aldred), Game of Thrones' James Cosmo and the equally legendary Julian Glover. Also promised was Neve McIntosh (Dr Who's Madame Vastra) and Voyager's Harry Kim (aka Garrett Wang) both of which had to cancel a couple of weeks before which meant the usual roster was down by a name or two.
Also announced was that tickets bought for the Sci-Fi Weekender would also be valid for the Prog Rock 3 event that was ... being held on the same weekend. The jury was out on whether this was a good idea or not. Previously the Sci-Fi fans had the run of the camp site and, although some of the events were spread out it felt like the convention it was supposed to be. In the main area we had lots of stalls of Sci-Fi goodness - the lovably eccentric author Robert Rankin (the father of steampunk) is always there to chat with the punters and show off his latest books, a variety of steampunk merchants, posters, film cells, artists, novelists, collectables and prints. It's a good place to lose a lot of money, but in return you have some really cool stuff. Last year, for example, I got some authentic film cells from some of my favourite movies (including Avengers Assemble) and a print of the Avengers looking up in a still from the movie at the battle from New York. I also purchase Mr Rankin's latest novel and had it signed in the only way he can. Which is awesome. My brother, Mark, purchased some steampunk kit including a rather fetching handmade cane. I even got a blueprint of an Arc Reactor, but I haven't built it yet. Also in here there are props that people have bought/made and also the signings and meet and greets. You might have seen my pics earlier this week on my #3daythrowback on Twitter @paulandpopcorn - those were taken there.
Meanwhile over in the function room of the on site pub, Haven's Mash & Barrel, there is the cinema room. A darkened room of cinematic gold - some old stuff, some new and erm... an ongoing fixation with a movie called Manborg.
Back in the central reservation opposite the traders and props room is a massive venue used for the interviews and events like games and other acts that perform over the weekend - and then turns into a night club for the revellers on the evening.
We pretty much expect this set up every year but this year it changed.

First there was an eclipse. Nice touch guys :-)
Then after everyone was in awe, we went to investigate this years event.

The traders area was a disappointment - all of those stalls I have just mentioned above did not attend and the only ones there were a few collectables, two tabletop game specialists and a Forbidden Planet stall which seemed to have a lot of Minecraft stuff and nothing much else - and it was a lot smaller than usual. Meanwhile a large part of the traders area was dedicated to the Prog Rock event so most of it was rock merchandise which felt like the Sci-Fi fans were being cut short. After a discussion on Facebook linked to the event it was discovered that Birmingham MCM Comic Con AND Showmasters' Cardiff Film & Comic Con were both on too! As a result of this a lot of the traders went there instead - in the scheme of things it made perfect business sense - a few thousand here or 10,000-20,000 at the Showmasters one? Exactly, so they could hardly be blamed here.
Thursday was the day most people were arriving and to settle us in, the movies were going full flow and we did a back to back double header of X-Men: Days of Future Past (8/10) and the latest version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles produced by Michael Bay (7/10). Both movies put us right in the mood for sci-fi and whetted our appetite for the morning.

"Get away from her you..." you know the rest...

Normally the days were filled with things to see and do - but this time there were distinct gaps in order to prepare the venues for the evening sessions. Traders closed early to change the room into a cinema and the celebrities were resigned to the back of the nightclub room. We were all turfed out at around 5pm so the place could be turned into the evening venue. Meanwhile a load of other bands were rocking out at the pub for the Prog Rock weekend.
Some of the props that had been brought were impressive - there was a whole set of Dr Who stuff including Weeping Angels, Adipose and a few other creatures from Contemporary Who. Sadly there were no Dalek's here this year though.  There were a few replicas of Back To The Future including the BTTF2 hoverboard and Marty McFly's jacket.  There was also a Terminator, an Alien and a powerlifter from Aliens. All were quite impressive. Mind that facehugger looks a bit disturbing...
Meeting Mr Cosmo
The first proper day was the Friday and signings today came in the form of the lovely gentlemen and legendary actors James Cosmo and Julian Glover. James Cosmo's recent work on Game Of Thrones was the highlight here and still know how to sport a beard. He has loads of other credits to his name including Braveheart, Trainspotting and Chronicles of Narnia amongst others. He was asked who he thought would win the Game of Thrones and he replied he didn't know but he would say "Jon Snow". We'll have to keep watching to find out if he's right! The interview with him was fantastic - full of gusto and excitement - and told us lots about the making of Game of Thrones and his trip to Iceland in the first season. He advised to visit Iceland as it's a lovely place to go - but he wasn't a fan of their local delicacy - rotted whale.
Indiana Jones, Star Wars -
Mr Glover has been in it all!
The other star guest on this day was Julian Glover who, like James Cosmo, has an awesome movie CV. If you don't recognise the name you will recognise his characters - he was in both Star Wars and Indiana Jones. He played General Veers in Empire Strikes Back, Walter Donovan in Indiana Jones & The Last Crusade (you know the one who drinks from the golden chalice?) and, not many people probably know this, but voiced Aragog in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. He was also in Game of Thrones and the list goes on, but we had serious acting legends here today at the Sci-Fi Weekender. Like James Cosmo, his interview was revealing, entertaining and made great listening and both actors were warm, friendly and lovely to talk to. He even signed my Indiana Jones DVD, which really made my day.
The cinema meanwhile was showing classic movies and we caught up with some of the other things that were going on. On Friday, the first day proper, Charlie Ross' One Man Star Wars was one of the highlights of the weekend. It was a frenetic one man stage show as he threw himself around the stage, "singing" the music (both the themes and incidental), voiced characters and added sound effects. It was tiring watching him, but the humour peppered through it and his warm persona shone through and it was brilliant.  
It wasn't just the Prog Rockers who had a band to listen to either. Before the expected Sci-Fi night clubbing, a band called Darth Elvis and the Imperials arrived on stage to do a set. Imagine Elvis in Jedi robes, a stormtrooper on drums, Darth Maul's younger brother on guitar and a TIE fighter pilot on bass. Imagine, if you can, that set up singing Elvis songs that have had the words changed to reflect Star Wars. These songs included Viva Mos Eisley, Burning Sith and many more. It was a great spin on an Elvis tribute band but I felt it was of very novelty value and I expected the songs to be very much like Weird Al Yankovic (one of my favourite comedy artists). In the main they literally changed one or two words to reflect the song and left the original intact. Maybe that's a good thing,  but as a Weird Al fan, I was expecting a little bit more in the song-writing stakes. Still it was a fantastic idea and a good change from just listening to DJ's playing music. Hot Dang!
As the final strains of the DJ mixing wafted into the night air, our chalet's were beckoning - but what would tomorrow be like? There was loads more to see and do - I heard that Sylvester McCoy would be there tomorrow. Just before I went to see Darth Elvis, I was in the reception at the site. I was waiting for a pizza and headed over as I'd heard our package included a food discount and went to get it. As I was waiting Sylvester McCoy came in a waited patiently behind me to get registered for his stay at the park. I didn't know what to say - so I kept quiet waiting in the line and not making a fuss as we British do. Should I have asked him for a photo or an autograph? Made small talk? What is the accepted etiquette when it comes to celebrities appearing next to you?
Let me know what you think in the comments below.
Right now though, I'm going to bed; this is end of part one.
Part two will be with you soon.  
To be continued...

Hot Dang! Darth Elvis & The Imperials rock out at
Sci-Fi Weekender 2015

REVIEW: Wild Card (18)

Wild Card is the latest Jason Statham film to be released and sadly it's just like every other one I have seen - naked girls, guns and violence. There is a certain style Jason Statham has fallen into and is doing quite well in it - but the problem is is that it is now getting very formulaic. Having said that, this movie starts out with some promise.
Wild Card focusses on Statham's character Nick Wild, a sort of gun for hire who is in the protection business in Las Vegas. The story is so written that we do not get much in the way of exposition - in the first 15 minutes we see him portrayed as a complete A-hole only to find out a few minutes later it was all a rouse - and the character he seemed to have a fantastic relationship with is never seen again in the movie. There is not explanation of how he came to be in Las Vegas nor the reasoning behind his on going dream of owing a yacht. Meanwhile, Holly (who again is not really explained) is raped and beaten by a gang of three. Moaning Nick's name while in hospital (which had no bearing on the story at all) she phones him up to see if he can help him wreak revenge on the rapist and his likely lads. Initially Nick refuses but seems to fall under her spell due to their history (explained in one sentence - "you know all those things I said to you - it meant I love you") and helps her retaliate. Showing off his combat skills he takes down the men easily (even though at least two characters advise him against it) and she get to act out a squirm worthy sequence involving pruning shears and a man's sexy bits.
This sets the three men to go after Nick and in the meanwhile he is head hunted by a visiting rich kid who wants to learn to be brave from Nick himself. The story loses steam here and plods along and at this very moment there are at least two points that the film could have finished but didn't.
The cast is strong - there's some well known names here (like Anne Heche and Sofia Vergara) - that make up for the mediocre performance from Statham and his growly voice and impressive fighting skills. Stanley Tucci is name dropped in the credits at the beginning but you have to wait 8/10ths of the movie to see his 2 minute performance and steals the scene for all the time he is in it. Statham is good enough to keep you looking at the screen but only just. The fighting scenes are fantastically choreographed, realistic and bloody and are one of the films best features.  
While watching the movie I followed it okay, but now I'm trying to relay the story back to you it is very difficult to do because I'm now thinking about it and some of it was not explained. But I think that sums up this movie - if you lay back and let it happen it will be one of those movies that will fill the time one boring evening or a good one for the lads to come round and watch with a takeaway where you don't have to think about anything.
Wild Card is out at all good cinemas now.
POPSCORE: 6.8/10
SECOND OPINIONClaire came to see this with me and initially thought the first quarter of the movie looked promising but then lost it a bit throughout the rest of the movie. She had a very good point about the story being a bit slow and a bit hit and miss. Although the fight choreography was great, it seemed that was the part that the creators put the most work into. The story was clearly secondary and left many questions unanswered. - POPSCORE: 5-6/10
What am I talking about? Wild Card movie
Where do I find out more? Check it out on IMDB - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2231253/
If you liked this, try - The Transporter, Crank, The Mechanic, any other Jason Statham movie really.

Thursday 12 March 2015

BYTE: Kickstarter and stuff

Hi guys
How is it going? This is the quiet week for me before the Comic Con storm, but in the meanwhile I've been investigating www.kickstarter.com to see what all the fuss is about. For those who know... well you know. For those who don't, well, it's a brand new concept that is taking the world by storm. Kickstarter is one of a few organisations whereby people raise money for projects by a fascinating new medium called crowd funding. This is where people are asked to pledge to a project and in return get a vested interest in it. Often they have levels of pledges which allow people to choose how much they want to pay (within reason) and often start from a couple of coins right up to notes and sometimes large cheques! The companies and individuals behind it are often contactable and they often place updates on the site to keep you informed.
When the project goes live there is a time frame and an aimed target of money that the project goes for. If it reaches that amount in that time frame then it's classed as "successfully funded" and the money is debited out of your account and goes to the project. You also avail of any perks you may get as a result of pledging. If it doesn't reach its target by the time the clock expires, then it is unsuccessfully funded and you pay nothing. I have to say that a few years back I did pledge on another site (I cannot remember which) and these took the money regardless - so please check with the specific site if you are not pledging with Kickstarter.
My position on crowd funding has changed over the last few years as originally, although I thought it would be a fab idea, it was seemingly done by a certain set of people looking to do random things but couldn't afford to. I was seeing stuff like "take Hortense to Comic-Con" and "pay for my college fees" but nowadays it's getting more serious. There's some seriously interesting stuff coming about - and all because of the crowd funding. Big companies get behind this on occasion - only yesterday I got a message from Square Enix about a Kickstarter project they are trying to fund.
Some of the Kickstarter projects exceed their requested amount. Some absolutely blast it out of the water. Some are real success stories. If this is the case sometimes, the project will release extra perks (stretch goals) to represent the total value of the investment.
There are a load of things all going on at the same time and here are some of the success stories of crowd funding:
> Elite Dangerous - surpassed it's funding goal and was successfully funded and now you can buy it from http://www.elitedangerous.com/ and there is talk of an Xbox One version. It was an idea to make the next Elite game (from the amazingly popular game from the 80's) and obviously there are still some fans out there to make the update. Games are a very popular Kickstarter project and vary wildly with the types and genres. I most recently was involved in the successful funding of Shadowrun: Hong Kong which was also on Kickstarter and smashed it's goals (as you will see if you click the link) but also had a number of great perks with it regardless of how much you pledged.
> Ouya Games Console - sticking with gaming, but hardware this time - this gaming console smashed it's funding goals out of the water. It's readily available now, but the perks with the original funding might also be worthy of mention. And you got the console before anyone else.
> Scanadu Scout - it's not only games and hardware that is crowd funded but also inventions too. This one blew me away and was featured on another crowd funding site www.indiegogo.com. It smashed it's required amount and is still in development. I only donated a few bucks, but wished I'd have had the money to pay enough to get one. This device could be a game changer in the world - and I've helped be a part of it. Nice!
> Pebble - when you ask for $100,000 and get over $10million I think that's a great idea for a project. The Pebble watch was successfully funded a few years ago - and is available to buy now. Not only that but they are trying it again with their latest Pebble Time - which is still open now(as of 12/03/2015). This time they wanted $500,000 and are currently over $17million and there's still 15 days to go. That's impressive. And that's the power of crowd funding.
These are just some of the success stories that happen. There's inventions, tv shows, movies (the even crowd funded a Veronica Mars film), computer games, board games - literally everything you can think of. I think it's a great idea, and, if you have some spare currency to pledge you can get some pretty cool stuff. What do you think about Kickstarter and all of the others? Have you pledged? What was your best deal?
To finish I just want to show you a few I've been looking at and have pledged to, and of course, feel free to send some coin their way too if you think it's worthy of backing:
Still looking:
> Edge of Eternity - JRPG style computer game across all formats looking for funding - but it has surpassed it's target amount so it will be funded - it's still looking for backers and looks an awesome game. Of course looks aren't everything but it's a good start. I have backed it where I get two copies of the game. The project owners have directly confirmed with me that if I back and get two copies of the game I can ask for it on two different formats if I want. So I'm going to get it on Xbox One and PC and will, of course, give you guys my full review when I get it.
> Dungeons & Drafts - someone somewhere is wanting to set up a game/geek tavern so people can role play, play games and do some serious table top war gaming. And they are looking for backing. This idea is so cool I think I might be getting frost bite. As you are probably aware, I am from the UK but this is in the US. However they are catering for an international audience so I've plopped my coin into this project. It's going to be funded too - so it's nice to know, if I'm ever over in the US, I can pop by and see the work I've helped to produce.
Recently done:
> Goodnight Lad: Augmented Reality book: I have fallen in love with this project and think it is brilliant. I am so looking forward to this and I reckon it's the future of children's books. Check out the link and see what you think. I think it's awesome.
> Storyline: Not every Kickstarter project is from America and this is a British film maker trying to make a series. This was a really good one as you get the chance to audition to be in it and can get involved too.
> Token: This comedy series, that the makers want to try and create as a TV series, was just -a-say funded on the final day. Some of the perks were immense and I'm looking forward to see the final show. However, when it comes to games and creative endeavours such at TV series, if you pay enough you can get your name in the credits - sometimes even as a producer if you pay for it. I guess that's one way of getting you officially on imdb.
I just want to add that although I think crowd funding is getting more and more commonplace - only pledge what you can afford and don't forget - not all might be funded. Check with the relevant crowd funding sites for terms and conditions too - as they may vary. There's so much to look at and invest in but it's quite exciting that there's stuff there that the big companies over look and the small companies and creative individuals now have a channel to promote their wares - or get help to do so.
Also, if you have an idea, you can set up your own project too. So ANYONE can do it. If you do, let me know and I'll promote you here.
Anyway that's all for now, some movie reviews coming soon - and the massive week for comic cons and pics soon too. As always - let me know what you think and keep on keeping in touch.
Until next time


Saturday 7 March 2015

BYTE: Merry March

Hey guys

It's been the calm before the storm for me and a quiet week geek-wise. I've been mourning the passing of Orange Wednesdays at the cinema.  I have been trying to find out more about the tease of Compare the Market doing it - after seeing the meerkat advert at the cinema last week. No news has come forward so far so as soon as I find out I will let you know.

Meanwhile, on the movie front, I think I have not seen a movie this week! I'm so letting you down. However, Avengers: Age of Ultron trailer 3 dropped and is whetting our appetite even further. If you are eagle eyed, or good with the pause button, you will get to see a glimpse of The Vision at the end of the trailer. Also, I'm going to see the new Divergent film, Insurgent soon, so there will be a full review of that.

As for the blog and stuff, well, I've managed to add my logo to the blog, and I hope you like it. I'm still working on the vlogging stuff - I have purchased some software to have a crack at learning editing before I get cracking unleashing my presenting skills onto the unknowing internet. I've set up a Facebook Page, but I will have to get the page address - it's the one with the Paul & The Popcorn logo on of course! And while you are there - don't forget to follow me on Twitter too - @paulandpopcorn if you haven't already. Once I get the youtube up and running I'll bring all the links together.

Also, fancy some free stuff? I've been looking about and I've seen that:

> Google Play is celebrating 3 years of existence - so you can get a free download of Fast and Furious movie (handy since the 7th instalment is being broadcast to a cinema near you in the very near future). Some amendments to this though - a) you will need a google play account that's active (I got this offer through the email) and b) it's not the first one but the one without the "The"'s in it from 2009.

> Origin: If you are registered with Origin you can get a free "on the house" copy of early 1990's classic Syndicate for free download for a limited time.

>  PSN: PS Plus this month has updated now and the new roster of games for the PS formats are:
Sherlock Holmes: Crimes And Punishments and Papa & Yo on PS3 and Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty (what?!) and Valiant Hearts: The Great War on PS4.
If you're into multi format there is also OlliOlli2: Welcome To Olliwood bundled for PS4/Vita and the triple bundle for all three of a game called CounterSpy. Of course these are active while your subscription is and will cease working if you are not a member.
PSN Store also have a special offer on Final Fantasy games for the moment too - do now's your time to get some of those FF gaps in your collection filled. As always, these are for a limited time and access/costs may be dependent on whether you are a subscriber or not so check first before purchase.

>   Xbox Live:  Games with Gold this month hosts the full game of Tomb Raider on XBOX 360 and for the posh 'uns who have XBOX ONE you are treated to Rayman Legends and #IDARB to download free if you are a subscriber.

Also I've signed up to Star Wars Online - that is, The Old Republic AKA SWTOR so if you'd like to join me on there - add paulosolo and you can explore the galaxy with me. I have been playing it this week and am at the grand old rank of level 10. I'm a Jedi Sentinel so it means I can use two lightsabers. That's gotta be good, hasn't it? If you play - let me know what you think.

Anyway that's enough update for now; hopefully next week I will get my rather fetching Paul & The Popcorn T-Shirt, but who knows?

Until next time


Sunday 1 March 2015

BYTE: Mighty March - or, to some, St David's Day

Hey guys

Welcome to March - a month that came quickly and is full of excitement for me.
As February left us behind - with some interesting film releases (including the hyped to heck Fifty Shades of Grey and Jupiter Ascending) and my first comic-con of the year at Teesside Unleashed 5.
We had the BRIT awards with Madonna's slip and sadness with the passing of Leonard Nimoy, our honorary grandfather. #LLAP

My blog is getting more views and I'm working behind the scenes to set up my youtube channel and getting everything in place for that. Also I'm going to no less than 2 conventions this month including the Sci Fi Weekender which I'm really looking forward to.

There's more film releases this month too - including Divergent Series: Insurgent among others.

I've signed up to subscribe to Star Wars Online - that is, The Old Republic AKA SWTOR so if you'd like to join me on there - add paulosolo and you can explore the galaxy with me.

Looking at the latest stuff as well:

>   Xbox Live:  Games with Gold this month hosts the full game of Tomb Raider on XBOX 360 and for the posh 'uns who have XBOX ONE you are treated to Rayman Legends and #IDARB to download free if you are a subscriber.
>  PSN: PS Plus this month hasn't really updated just yet but as of today you have Thief and Yakuza 4 on PS3, Kick and Fennick for the Vita and Transistor and Apotheon on PS4. If you're into multi format there is also a game called Rogue Legacy that you can download for all three. Of course these are active while your subscription is and will cease working if you are not a member.

As always we have Loot Crate and Nerd Block unboxings to look forward to. The themes look ace this month and, if you subscribe to Arcade Block (Nerdblock's sister service) you will get 2 t-shirts this month. I'm thinking of taking advantage of that exclusive offer.

Anyway I've wrote enough now - have a MEGA MARCH and I'll see you soon.

Until next time
