The following takes place between 19th-20th March...
After the one day
Comic Con over in Middlesbrough in February, I was warmed up ready for the humdinger of a weekend that has become part of every Spring for me over the last few years.
I have been visiting the
Sci-Fi Weekender since the SFX Weekender 3 a few years ago. It was the last time the SFX team ran it - and it was in a small, cramped building and hastily organised. They handed it over to Chic Festivals who rock out with the Hard Rock Hell events and the Prog Rock events, so it was in good hands. We have been visiting ever since. Now in it's 6th cycle, Sci-Fi Weekender 6 was promising guests including Seventh Doctor
Sylvester McCoy, my childhood crush Dr. Who companion Ace (aka
Sophie Aldred), Game of Thrones'
James Cosmo and the equally legendary
Julian Glover. Also promised was
Neve McIntosh (Dr Who's
Madame Vastra) and Voyager's Harry Kim (aka
Garrett Wang) both of which had to cancel a couple of weeks before which meant the usual roster was down by a name or two.
Also announced was that tickets bought for the Sci-Fi Weekender would also be valid for the
Prog Rock 3 event that was ... being held on the same weekend. The jury was out on whether this was a good idea or not. Previously the Sci-Fi fans had the run of the camp site and, although some of the events were spread out it felt like the convention it was supposed to be. In the main area we had lots of stalls of Sci-Fi goodness - the lovably eccentric author
Robert Rankin (the father of steampunk) is always there to chat with the punters and show off his latest books, a variety of steampunk merchants, posters, film cells, artists, novelists, collectables and prints. It's a good place to lose a lot of money, but in return you have some really cool stuff. Last year, for example, I got some authentic film cells from some of my favourite movies (including Avengers Assemble) and a print of the Avengers looking up in a still from the movie at the battle from New York. I also purchase Mr Rankin's latest novel and had it signed in the only way he can. Which is awesome. My brother, Mark, purchased some steampunk kit including a rather fetching handmade cane. I even got a blueprint of an Arc Reactor, but I haven't built it yet. Also in here there are props that people have bought/made and also the signings and meet and greets. You might have seen my pics earlier this week on my #3daythrowback on Twitter @paulandpopcorn - those were taken there.
Meanwhile over in the function room of the on site pub, Haven's Mash & Barrel, there is the cinema room. A darkened room of cinematic gold - some old stuff, some new and erm... an ongoing fixation with a movie called
Back in the central reservation opposite the traders and props room is a massive venue used for the interviews and events like games and other acts that perform over the weekend - and then turns into a night club for the revellers on the evening.
We pretty much expect this set up every year but this year it changed.
First there was an eclipse. Nice touch guys :-)
Then after everyone was in awe, we went to investigate this years event.
The traders area was a disappointment - all of those stalls I have just mentioned above did not attend and the only ones there were a few collectables, two tabletop game specialists and a Forbidden Planet stall which seemed to have a lot of Minecraft stuff and nothing much else - and it was a lot smaller than usual. Meanwhile a large part of the traders area was dedicated to the Prog Rock event so most of it was rock merchandise which felt like the Sci-Fi fans were being cut short. After a discussion on Facebook linked to the event it was discovered that
Birmingham MCM Comic Con AND Showmasters'
Cardiff Film & Comic Con were both on too! As a result of this a lot of the traders went there instead - in the scheme of things it made perfect business sense - a few thousand here or 10,000-20,000 at the Showmasters one? Exactly, so they could hardly be blamed here.
Thursday was the day most people were arriving and to settle us in, the movies were going full flow and we did a back to back double header of X-Men: Days of Future Past (8/10) and the latest version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles produced by Michael Bay (7/10). Both movies put us right in the mood for sci-fi and whetted our appetite for the morning.
"Get away from her you..." you know the rest...
Normally the days were filled with things to see and do - but this time there were distinct gaps in order to prepare the venues for the evening sessions. Traders closed early to change the room into a cinema and the celebrities were resigned to the back of the nightclub room. We were all turfed out at around 5pm so the place could be turned into the evening venue. Meanwhile a load of other bands were rocking out at the pub for the Prog Rock weekend.
Some of the props that had been brought were impressive - there was a whole set of Dr Who stuff including Weeping Angels, Adipose and a few other creatures from Contemporary Who. Sadly there were no Dalek's here this year though. There were a few replicas of Back To The Future including the BTTF2 hoverboard and Marty McFly's jacket. There was also a Terminator, an Alien and a powerlifter from Aliens. All were quite impressive. Mind that facehugger looks a bit disturbing...
Meeting Mr Cosmo |
The first proper day was the Friday and signings today came in the form of the lovely gentlemen and legendary actors James Cosmo and Julian Glover. James Cosmo's recent work on Game Of Thrones was the highlight here and still know how to sport a beard. He has loads of other credits to his name including Braveheart, Trainspotting and Chronicles of Narnia amongst others. He was asked who he thought would win the Game of Thrones and he replied he didn't know but he would say "Jon Snow". We'll have to keep watching to find out if he's right! The interview with him was fantastic - full of gusto and excitement - and told us lots about the making of Game of Thrones and his trip to Iceland in the first season. He advised to visit Iceland as it's a lovely place to go - but he wasn't a fan of their local delicacy - rotted whale.
Indiana Jones, Star Wars -
Mr Glover has been in it all! |
The other star guest on this day was Julian Glover who, like James Cosmo, has an awesome movie CV. If you don't recognise the name you will recognise his characters - he was in both Star Wars and Indiana Jones. He played General Veers in Empire Strikes Back, Walter Donovan in Indiana Jones & The Last Crusade (you know the one who drinks from the golden chalice?) and, not many people probably know this, but voiced Aragog in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. He was also in Game of Thrones and the list goes on, but we had serious acting legends here today at the Sci-Fi Weekender. Like James Cosmo, his interview was revealing, entertaining and made great listening and both actors were warm, friendly and lovely to talk to. He even signed my Indiana Jones DVD, which really made my day.
The cinema meanwhile was showing classic movies and we caught up with some of the other things that were going on. On Friday, the first day proper,
Charlie Ross' One Man Star Wars was one of the highlights of the weekend. It was a frenetic one man stage show as he threw himself around the stage, "singing" the music (both the themes and incidental), voiced characters and added sound effects. It was tiring watching him, but the humour peppered through it and his warm persona shone through and it was brilliant.
It wasn't just the Prog Rockers who had a band to listen to either. Before the expected Sci-Fi night clubbing, a band called Darth Elvis and the Imperials arrived on stage to do a set. Imagine Elvis in Jedi robes, a stormtrooper on drums, Darth Maul's younger brother on guitar and a TIE fighter pilot on bass. Imagine, if you can, that set up singing Elvis songs that have had the words changed to reflect Star Wars. These songs included Viva Mos Eisley, Burning Sith and many more. It was a great spin on an Elvis tribute band but I felt it was of very novelty value and I expected the songs to be very much like Weird Al Yankovic (one of my favourite comedy artists). In the main they literally changed one or two words to reflect the song and left the original intact. Maybe that's a good thing, but as a Weird Al fan, I was expecting a little bit more in the song-writing stakes. Still it was a fantastic idea and a good change from just listening to DJ's playing music. Hot Dang!
As the final strains of the DJ mixing wafted into the night air, our chalet's were beckoning - but what would tomorrow be like? There was loads more to see and do - I heard that Sylvester McCoy would be there tomorrow. Just before I went to see Darth Elvis, I was in the reception at the site. I was waiting for a pizza and headed over as I'd heard our package included a food discount and went to get it. As I was waiting Sylvester McCoy came in a waited patiently behind me to get registered for his stay at the park. I didn't know what to say - so I kept quiet waiting in the line and not making a fuss as we British do. Should I have asked him for a photo or an autograph? Made small talk? What is the accepted etiquette when it comes to celebrities appearing next to you?
Let me know what you think in the comments below.
Right now though, I'm going to bed; this is end of part one.
Part two will be with you soon.
To be continued...
Hot Dang! Darth Elvis & The Imperials rock out at
Sci-Fi Weekender 2015 |