Monday, 23 March 2015

REVIEW: Wild Card (18)

Wild Card is the latest Jason Statham film to be released and sadly it's just like every other one I have seen - naked girls, guns and violence. There is a certain style Jason Statham has fallen into and is doing quite well in it - but the problem is is that it is now getting very formulaic. Having said that, this movie starts out with some promise.
Wild Card focusses on Statham's character Nick Wild, a sort of gun for hire who is in the protection business in Las Vegas. The story is so written that we do not get much in the way of exposition - in the first 15 minutes we see him portrayed as a complete A-hole only to find out a few minutes later it was all a rouse - and the character he seemed to have a fantastic relationship with is never seen again in the movie. There is not explanation of how he came to be in Las Vegas nor the reasoning behind his on going dream of owing a yacht. Meanwhile, Holly (who again is not really explained) is raped and beaten by a gang of three. Moaning Nick's name while in hospital (which had no bearing on the story at all) she phones him up to see if he can help him wreak revenge on the rapist and his likely lads. Initially Nick refuses but seems to fall under her spell due to their history (explained in one sentence - "you know all those things I said to you - it meant I love you") and helps her retaliate. Showing off his combat skills he takes down the men easily (even though at least two characters advise him against it) and she get to act out a squirm worthy sequence involving pruning shears and a man's sexy bits.
This sets the three men to go after Nick and in the meanwhile he is head hunted by a visiting rich kid who wants to learn to be brave from Nick himself. The story loses steam here and plods along and at this very moment there are at least two points that the film could have finished but didn't.
The cast is strong - there's some well known names here (like Anne Heche and Sofia Vergara) - that make up for the mediocre performance from Statham and his growly voice and impressive fighting skills. Stanley Tucci is name dropped in the credits at the beginning but you have to wait 8/10ths of the movie to see his 2 minute performance and steals the scene for all the time he is in it. Statham is good enough to keep you looking at the screen but only just. The fighting scenes are fantastically choreographed, realistic and bloody and are one of the films best features.  
While watching the movie I followed it okay, but now I'm trying to relay the story back to you it is very difficult to do because I'm now thinking about it and some of it was not explained. But I think that sums up this movie - if you lay back and let it happen it will be one of those movies that will fill the time one boring evening or a good one for the lads to come round and watch with a takeaway where you don't have to think about anything.
Wild Card is out at all good cinemas now.
POPSCORE: 6.8/10
SECOND OPINIONClaire came to see this with me and initially thought the first quarter of the movie looked promising but then lost it a bit throughout the rest of the movie. She had a very good point about the story being a bit slow and a bit hit and miss. Although the fight choreography was great, it seemed that was the part that the creators put the most work into. The story was clearly secondary and left many questions unanswered. - POPSCORE: 5-6/10
What am I talking about? Wild Card movie
Where do I find out more? Check it out on IMDB -
If you liked this, try - The Transporter, Crank, The Mechanic, any other Jason Statham movie really.

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