Saturday, 25 February 2017

REVIEW: Passengers (2016)

"The lack of chairs on the spaceship forced Aurora to improvise"
This year is concluding with a flurry of sci-fi films, as hot on the heels of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Arrival and others, we have another one word sci-fi in the form of Passengers. Katniss Everdean and Star Lord team up to find out what’s going down on a ship headed for what is essentially Earth II. The movie starts with everyone in hibernation as they make a beeline for a second planet for humanity to colonize. Everything is going swimmingly on its 120 year trip until it passes through a meteor storm and has a malfunction. Waking up 90 years before the craft is due to dock, mechanic Jim Preston (Chris Pratt) wakes up early and has only the limited ships computer AI and android bartender Arthur (Michael Sheen) to talk to. After a year of this solo existence, and an impressive beard, Jim makes a decision to wake the beautiful Aurora (see what they did there?) by breaking her sleeping pod to allow her to wake.

Now with a companion and happy, Jim and Aurora fall in love – until she finds the truth – and then things go even crazier from there. Sterling performances for the three leads, a moral conundrum and enough action to keep you watching, Passengers is a great entry into the sci-fi genre. I can’t say much else or I will spoil it. Worth a watch.


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