Friday, 3 July 2015

BYTE: Jolly July

It's Just July... or is it? Summer is here!

It's sweltering this week in England, UK - which makes a change really as we're used to dark clouds and rain. So out comes the barbecues and chilled drinks and also some serious fun over the next month or so.

Movie wise we are looking at Marvel's latest offering - Ant-Man, featuring Paul Rudd as the titular character. My fellow Popsters have generally been a bit lukewarm about this movie - but I will assemble the Avengers and we will go to see it and let you know what I think. My TwitterMate (tm) +James Gunn (the director of Guardians of the Galaxy among other things) tweeted "I think @AntMan is my favourite @Marvel film since Iron Man (well, excluding one to which I'm partial). Holy cow is it a blast." I guess we'll have to wait until 17th July to find out!

Meanwhile - Terminator Genysis is out today (as I write this) - so that's 3rd July for you guys in the UK. Magic Mike XXL (I'll skip that one) and Minions also have been released recently. We have Ted 2 to look forward to - and Fantastic Four next month - which is going to be interesting to see. it's all going on in the movie world, it really is.

Let's get to the computers - last months Steam Summer Sale was immense - and sadly I didn't keep any money aside but there were some awesome deals. The challenge this time around was a click mouse to shoot aliens type of game - and my goodness did it play havoc on my fingers and mouse. Still it was a unique way to get involved - even if I was at work for most of it and didn't get the best out of it.

London Film and Comic Con is this month - and it looks unbelievable. The line up is beyond astounding - and I thought they couldn't top when they had Stan Lee (when I went!).  But, if you are interested you have the opportunity to meet Richard Dean Anderson (MacGyver, Stargate SG:1 and all), Marty McFly himself - Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd (GREAT SCOTT!), Ellen Ripley (aka Sigourney Weaver) and... [deep breath] Neve Campbell from Scream! and more besides. You lucky, lucky people! I'm visiting Sheffield Film and Comic Con, so it's not quite as big but still exciting.
Let's get to the computers - last months Steam Summer Sale was immense - and sadly I didn't keep any money aside but there were some awesome deals. The challenge this time around was a click mouse to shoot aliens type of game - and my goodness did it play havoc on my fingers and mouse. Still it was a unique way to get involved - even if I was at work for most of it and didn't get the best out of it.
Looking at the latest stuff as well:

>   Xbox Live:  Games with Gold this month includes the full game of Plants Vs Zombies on XBOX 360 and for the posh 'uns who have XBOX ONE you are treated to Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag (yes, really) and Massive Chalice (still) to download free if you are a subscriber.
>  PSN: PS Plus this month hasn't really updated just yet so nothing new to report on this front. But rumour has it the following games will be available from 7th July:
PS4 has:
Entwined, MouseCraft, Rocket League, Styx: Master of Shadows
PS3 gets:
Entwined, MouseCraft, Rain
Vita receives:
Entwined, Geometry Wars 3, MouseCraft

Personally I'm excited for Geometry Wars 3, but that's just me. Of course usual rules apply in that if you stop your subscription those games'll stop workin'.
As always we have Loot Crate and Nerd Block unboxings to look forward to...
...AND Marvel Collector Corps in August after July's fantastic Ant-man offering!

It's time to go now but - have a Jolly July and I'll see you soon.
Keep being awesome!
Until next time


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