Thursday, 29 January 2015

TECH: 3D Printing Magazine - Issue 1

Out this week is a new magazine from Eaglemoss Publishing called 3D Create and Print a magazine part-work collection where you literally build your own 3D Printer. It's £1.99 for the first issue and I've been having a flick through it and there seems to be some interesting stuff here if you're interested in 3D printing technology. Divided into sections, the magazine is broken into chapters about 3D printing history, tutorials on 3D design, 3D modelling and tips and tricks. They advise you on a recommended 3D modelling software (which is free to download) and there are a number of designs each issue for things you can build in the printer. These designs range from fancy balls and chess pieces to my personal favourite in issue one - a catapult! Each issue features a unique code to download the featured design as files and these are available for free as is the recommended 3D software to use in conjunction with the printer. Each issue includes bits of the printer to construct and of course instructions on how to put it all together.
The completed printer looks quite trendy and each issue you get builds a little more of the printer itself. I looked into this a bit further and found that they plan 90 issues. Each issue retails at £6.99 (Eire 11.99) and two premium issues (issues 53 & 59) that include circuit boards (which is expected because it's a printer) at the extra price of £14.99 (Eire 19.99) each issue. The first issue is only £1.99 and is available now. Extra binders (you get one free with the subscription plan, but I'm sure with 90 issues you will need more) cost extra and are not included with the magazine and cost £6.99 (Eire 11.99). Subscribers get a binder sent ever 15 issues at the same cost. 
If you bought all 90 issues (factoring in the cost of the special issues and no binders) you are looking at £640.10 to complete the whole thing. But, if you have some spare cash floating around and can't wait, you can buy the printer already assembled through the website for £799, or £699 if you can get in there before 31st January 2015. You'll not get it until April 2015, but it includes all you need to get going and a 100g of filament to get you started. You can also buy further filament and some other cool stuff from the same website.
The enclosed parts of the printer seem good quality and I've already had a crack at putting it together. It's bit by bit, but it seems easy enough to do and the pieces fit together quite nicely. Think of it as Ikea for technology! On their official blog, they have a video of a "How To" put together the pieces from the first 20 issues - check it out here.
Subscription wise, it's looking quite appealing. If you subscribe to the magazine there are gifts you receive that include free digital edition of the magazine in addition to the physical one, a binder to store your magazines in, a toolkit, a 4GB branded flash drive, PLA (Poly Lactic Acid) filament and 10 extra 3D designs to do on your completed printer. The gifts seem impressive, but they don't specify how much filament you get - though it looks like you get quite a bit in different colours. The filament is the necessary material for you to print the 3D item - that is - it's like the paper for a conventional printer. The toolkit is for refining your 3D designs and includes screwdrivers, scalpels, pliers and the like. The flash drive is branded to V3 which is the name of the printer - Vector 3.
I have bought a copy of the magazine and it makes interesting reading - but I have an interest in this field of technology anyway. I will be subscribing and having a go at this - but I will let you know what I think as we go along. If you want to get involved along with me - then you can subscribe and get more information here.
In a nutshell I'm impressed with this and quite excited - but it's only issue one. I'll come back in a few issues time for a further review and keep you updated.
Have you bought this magazine? What do you think? Let me know below!
Until next time
What I'm talking about:  3D Printer Magazine
Where do I go to find out more?


  1. Just an update - I've now started subscribing to this magazine. I'll revisit it in a few issues time to see what it's like. Issue two should be out soon. PP

  2. I have just got issue two after much searching and its a good issue too. More chess pieces, a star puzzle and an iPhone cover are just some of the things covered to make this issue. Medical 3d printing is covered in the news section and most of the magazine is covering the used and basic tools of the recommended design software. The building of the 3d printer is again simple and easy to do. I'm now waiting on the subscribers pack to let you know more about this. As the issue is at number ft here right now, and I get four issues at once, I may have a wait before I catch up. I'll do a main entry a few issues in to see how I'm finding it.
